My favorite person on earth!

This is the picture of my favorite person on earth. They are my besties! I can do anything crazy when I'm around them. I love them :-)

[Katharina Defung a.k.a Tepung] [Gracia Christy Widjaya a.k.a Cia a.k.a Grace] [Wenny Paulus Rante a.k.a Wences] [Alexander Liem a.k.a Alek] [Lidya Adikusuma a.k.a Yayo] [Deviana Putri a.k.a Mamah mpi] [Gita Citra Denisa a.k.a Denisong] [Putri Cita Arindani a.k.a Centong] [Mutsahidan Abdunur a.k.a Sait a.k.a Iyaang] [Rias Anggun Haryanti a.k.a Iyas a.k.a Inyong] [Milchazena Veda Dowandrisa a.k.a Milchung] [Felicia Agustine a.k.a Mpel] [Albert Saputra a.k.a Kelingking ngondek] [Evi Tri Rahayu a.k.a Epi] [Noviana Niwa a.k.a Nopi]

PS.  I don't count my blood-related family because they're automatically are my favorite person!


M[oney] V[ictory] D[edication] said...

awwww i'm on the list! so sweeett...thankies darlo xx

Cerita Asty said...

Like it!! The pictures are unique and funny *specially Feli's pict*...

cita said...

i love u MORE :*


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