You know parents, they always expect you to have good grades in school. But what they don't realize is that good grades don't just come up like magic. It takes hard work, study, reading loads of books, doing assignments.
This has happened plenty of times and I just can't take it anymore. EVERY TIME I am in front of the computer working on my assignments (presentation, paper, research, etc) she always bugs me! Ask me to do this and that; small things that she can do it herself, but no, she'd rather distract my concentration by telling me to do simple things that she doesn't feel like doing it. Sometimes I said yes, sometimes I said yes but whining, and sometimes I refuse because I got tons of things to do.
Like this morning, for example, she told me to move the car 5-10 meters from our garage while I was working on powerpoint making a presentation for Management Audit class that due TOMORROW! I bluntly said no because I'm busy working on my assignment. But then she pissed off and said,"You lazy ass don't wanna move the car, it's just a simple thing to do."
If it's a simple thing to do, then why doesn't she do it herself? She's been doing nothing but watch TV which very noisy (she puts the TV volume out loud) and disturbing my concentration.
She said she wants me to have good grades, my GPA is 3.3 so far, but under this kind of circumstances I don't think I can raise that up. Why do parents can be such a pain in the ass? They want you to have good grades but can't stop distracting your concentration. She barely gives me any money, so I have to pretend that I'm full at school, sometimes I ran to my car and just sat there during class break because I'm embarrassed that my friends would found out that I don't have any money to buy foods at campus, so I'll just wait inside the car until the next class started.
I don't wanna find a part time job because I'm afraid it would ruin my school, but I also am afraid that I have no other choice but getting myself a job and stop asking money from mom.
1 comment:
Bingung antara mo ketawa atau sedih.
Waktu mm belikan ng buku disini, mm jg blg berkali2 ini buku harganya 500 lebih bla bla bla...kong kita nyeletuk: mm ini katanya mau dia cpt lulus dgn nilai tinggi tapi belikan dia buku kuliah perhitungan skali. Langsung diam.
Mungkin ng perlu kase tau sblm ngerjain tugas, ng so blg pa mm kt mo kerjain tugas dr jam segini sampe jam segini, kalo ada yg mm mo suruh blg skrg spy kt beking krn setelah jam ini sampe jam ini kita nyanda mau diganggu, kita butuh konsentrasi utk ngerjain tugas.
Pasti mm mangarti krn dia slama disini slalu puji2 pa ng yg mana ng skrg so patuh pa dia, nyanda pernah bamalawan, minta tlg apa aja biar lalah ng pasti turuti. Oke bos?
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