Twitter, Updates' Paradise

A couple of months lately, there is a web that show up very famous in the middle of Hollywood A-listers, called twitter. Paris hilton a.k.a babygirlparis, Ashton Kutcher a.k.a aplusk, and many more other A-listers that addicted to twitter. It is mainly give the users sharing ’bout their activities, sharing links, and even photos. I usually called twitter as Update’s Paradise web bcoz I can update my status every seconds and it is very easy.

What makes twitter different from the other friendship’s tool website such as facebook, myspace, hi5, etc is that twitter only have one main feature : updating status. Updating status is the main purpose of this website.

As a twitter user, you are also able to upload pictures of your activities on twitpic which is automatically will appear on your twitter page as a link. You can receive updates that the people you follow posted, otherwise people that follow you can receive every updates that you posted on the home page. You can give any feedback to the updates that people you follow posted on your own updates by mention the twitter username at the first sentence before you write the feedback. Besides that, you are also able to sent other people direct message only between you and the person that you sent.

As a young teenager, I totally enjoy joining twitter and become one of the user and following a lot of people whether they are from Hollywood A-listers, politician, musician, businessman, DJ, and so much more people from different backgrounds.

Before I joined twitter, I bought so much magazines such as People Magazine, Elle, Seventeen, Cosmopolitan, and other gossip magazines. But now, I ain’t have to buy magazines anymore coz I got the gossip easier, faster, and cheaper on twitter. I also got plenty of friends from any other countries miles away and I can immediately know what’s their activity.

I highly recommend you to join twitter soon! And don’t forget to follow mine :

Keep me posted!

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