
Before I sign out for three weeks, I wanna post this thing first.
I found these picture yesterday when i was trying to get my traveling pictures. Mostly when I was a kid. I was a badas* when I was a kid :D

Holiday in Wamena, Papua (look at the naked man in the right of this pic, I swear it's not me! haha)

Sitting in the deck of a ship

Holiday in a ship when I was about 6 or 7 yo.

My 5th Birthday Party. I'm the one who wear red dress and red hat. Wasn't I cute?

Me (the red hat)

This was taken at my dad's office, when I was 4 years old.

At my dad's MBA graduation. I wore his graduation hat. And look at my socks! hhaha.

Can't stop myself smiling and laughing at these pictures. Good old memories :)

1 comment:

AstyNNS said...

Lucuuuuuuuuu...unyu2 bgt! so lama gak liat foto2 ini kirain ada di Mdo ;p


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