Conventional Letters & Pen Pal

You might think that I'm so lame but I do have a pen pal and I've been writing conventional letters (with stamps whatsoever) to my pen pal since last year. She's from New Zealand and it's been really fun since I never have a pen pal before and there's this amazing feeling when I write a letter with my handwriting on it instead of computer font.
It still makes me excited every time I got home and found a letter in the doorstep from her. This is a very rare kind of friendship in this modern era where technology always comes first and conventional letters are not so common anymore. It is much more practical to write email or communicating through Facebook or Skype etc, but with conventional letters I get to keep the letters in the study desk and read them anytime I want, no need to turn the computer on and logging in to a website. Besides, with conventional letters I kind of have this invisible bound that I can’t explain between me and her which I've never seen in person (yet). It’s strange, I know!
Anyway, if any of you fancy a conventional letter from me, drop me your address in my email ( and I’ll write you one!

Ps. I intentionally blurred the address and the letter contents (it’s a matter of privacy).


Anonymous said... ikutan, tapi dpt kiriman wesel aja gimana? hehe...;p

Btw unik jg msh ada sahabat pena dan gak pernah kontak di socmed :D

AstyNNS said...

Salah posting komen pake ID grosir laundry, hehehe...


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